6 Video Marketing Tips To Follow For Making Your YouTube Channel Popular

So, you have still not got onto the video marketing bandwagon. What are you waiting for? It's about time you get on with it. At present, 400+ hours of video content is being uploaded on YouTube per minute. And viewers are watching 5+ billion videos on a regular basis.

The ones who think that these 5 billion viewers are there on YouTube only to watch baby and cat videos are on the wrong side of things. As per reports, 52% of the senior professionals watch work-related video content on the platform.

Simply put: Everyone loves watching YouTube videos, and they will be watching more of these as technology makes it convenient for them to craft and share video content. Pat yourself on the back if you already have a YouTube channel for product marketing.

As a company, if you have concentrated on posting videos on YouTube, it is highly commendable. But if you have not spent enough time making them look professional and optimizing them for the search engines, they won't bring any results.

So, instead of simply creating videos to be showered with likes and comments, try using some tips that will make your YouTube channel popular. Here are a few for you:

1. Keep Creating and Adding Compelling Video Content to Your YouTube Channel Consistently

This entails using YouTube videos for bringing out the story of your brand. You must remain bent on creating videos that get the audience talking. Your main focus should be on creating videos that go a long way in complementing your website or blog content.

Force the customers into providing brand reviews and ask them to share their experiences of using the products and services you are dealing with. This will take your YouTube promotion strategy to the next level.

You can even have your eyes on creating and running a separate video blog channel for your company. This will help you in interacting with the audience using this same platform regularly.

Informative content is also popular among YouTube viewers. Post tutorials and step-by-step videos about how to use your services and products. At the same time, you must keep posting videos consistently. Choose the right time for posting content, specifically when the target customers are most active on the podium.

2. Use Content Exclusivity for Building YouTube Audience

Besides making some of the greatest videos with the potential of setting you apart from the other YouTube channels, ensure your target audience knows everything about it. You must ensure they have a clear idea about how your videos are different and better than your competitors.

Your videos should be created in such a way that they inform the probable viewers that they would be missing out on something important if they do not watch the same. At the same time, you must release your video content to only a select group of viewers.

The audiences who get to see your videos early on will love this special treatment and surely reward you with subscriptions. And yes, do not cover everything about your brand in the videos. Instead, hold back on a few details, so the viewers keep watching.

3. Use CTAs for Engaging the Viewers

The videos on your YouTube channel are there to serve a purpose. This can either be the brand promotion of lead generation. Nevertheless, if the viewers simply watch your videos and then leave, you do not give them the scope of engaging with your YouTube channel.

The viewers on YouTube generally engage through four actions. They are subscribing to the channel, sharing or liking a video, watching more videos from the same brand, or leaving comments.

There are special options available for including exclusive Call To Actions in the video content. You must make sure to use these options for encouraging the viewers to take any one of the actions mentioned above.

4. Create Value

One of the most important steps in conquering the YouTube marketing arena is creating videos that resonate with the audiences. You can make use of a YouTube video editor for ensuring the videos you are creating have something really valuable on offer to the viewers.

This way, your viewers won't feel as if they have wasted their time watching your content. Your main focus should be on creating relevant and relatable content. But then that's not a cakewalk.

As a brand, you will have to work on your YouTube videos in a way that they persuade the viewers to watch them till the end.

5. Concentrate on Just One Topic or Keyword When Building Video Content

Many companies make this blunder of incorporating a large number of keywords and topics in a single video. This does not bring in great results. Instead, brands should focus on building videos around just one topic or keyword.

This strategy helps in getting intended traffic and in increasing the audience of a YouTube channel. There are different keyword generating tools that can be used for getting hold of the most-searched keywords in the niche you are serving.

6. Be Up with the Upload Frequency Game

To make things easier for you to understand, you must keep posting video content frequently on your YouTube channel. Being consistent will help you in grabbing more popularity than posting once in a while.

With video promotions getting all the more popular on YouTube, the viewers now have a changed mindset about how they view the content. They are now conditioned into expecting high quality from the video content posted by brands.

Making a stunning video is not enough. Marketing it in the correct way is the key to make your YouTube channel popular. The perfect YouTube video marketing plan will help you in keeping your brand right on top of the minds of the audiences. 

Create engaging and long-form content for maximizing view duration. Remember, the videos you post are an extension of your brand; So promote them in the most effective manner.